Verizon Review: Samsung IIIS

I am in search of a new phone. I am very tired of my Droid and it is nearly two years old, ancient in phone life.  I’ve had my mind set on switching to an Iphone and yet I find myself wavering on what I really want.  Verizon Wireless is helping me figure out what phone I want. 

This time I played with a Samsung Galaxy IIIS.  The first thing I noticed is how lightweight is it!

And if I might take a second to sound a tad bit girly, I like the rounded edges and sleek design.  I was fairly impressed with the speed in which I could search the internet.  Compared to my Droid, this phone moved faster, even in the same wireless networks.

I did seem to struggle with the battery life.  You can see below the phone is plugged in.  I had it plugged in alot.  I finally realized I never powered down the phone when I was done using it.  I simply turned the screen off.  So whenever I went to use it, the battery was dead.  That was my own fault and I should have read the directions.  But who reads directions?

Overall, I liked this phone.  It had many features I liked. The App store was easy to use.  The widget screens were a lot of fun and kept all of my important information in one place. Maybe I am getting a step closer to finding the phone I really want!

Verizone Wireless provided me with this phone to use.  All thoughts, opinions and pictures are mine.  Because no one can tell me what my opinion is!


  1. Kind of like me not finding the flash on the camera I had. Keep talking to me about phones. I need one with a longer battery life, and I am not totally sold on the small screen of the iPhone. The older I get, the more I appreciate bigger screens! 😉

    btw you are rocking this blog posting thing!

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