Shiny packaging not necessary

Lots of Christmas presents come with shiny packaging and pretty bows.  This year, my favorite present was void of shiny bows.  And it may not look that pretty to you.

This is a steam engine.  Made for me by my Uncle Dayman when I was just 5 years old.  It is, quite simply, some wood, complete with rolling wood tires and a steam pipe.

I remember how excited I was when he made this for me.  And for years it sat in my parents living room.  But this year Mom gave it to me.  And I can’t explain how excited I was!  

As I get older, I know I want for less stuff.  But I long for the things that make me happy.  Stuff that my memories are made of.  This steam engine is one of those things.  Some day, my Lion Cub will get this.  I hope he understands just how much this hunk of wood meant to his Momma!

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