My Dad has told me on numerous occasions that I cook like my Mom. I consider that a huge compliment. My Mom is a great cook. She had me in the kitchen at a very young age helping mix cookies, peeling potatoes and other basics. I’ve mentioned in previous posts that the best gift she has given me was a cookbook of every recipe she has! These are the foods I grew up eating, arranged neatly in a 3-ring binder. This picture should give you an idea of how many recipes I have!
Tasty Tuesday: I Cook Like My Mother
[…] over at Fencerow to Fencerow, shares a recipe for caramel popcorn in a pan! Love how easy and delicious this recipe looks as […]
My grandma made homemade caramel corn too! It was delicious. My dad made it very rarely while I was growing up too. One of only two non-breakfast foods he made…caramel corn and no-bake cookies! Thanks for sharing. I love the cookbook!
Sounds heavenly! I’m totally waiting for smell-o-vision!! 🙂
That looks delish and I’m certain would taste good on a cold wintery night like tonight. Hope you are safe and warm.
Yeah, sign me up for a batch! haha
Looks great!
stay safe today
Carmel corn was always one of our favorites here at the house.
Caramel corn is one of my favorite Christmas presents from my mom and dad! So glad you got to dig into your mom’s recipes. Great memories I am sure!
Thank you for sharing this recipe! I have been craving caramel corn and I want to try it with peanuts!